کرک WinZip 20 Pro Full Version

WinZip 20 Pro Full Version is here, WinZip is the world’s most powerful archive managements and file sharing applications for local, network and cloud. WinZip is comes with an intuitive and user-friendly interface so that everyone will be very easy to use it, useful to compress files, extract files, encrypt files, share files and as file backup tool. Winzip generally have six main functions: 1) to archive file (create an archive files), 2)to compress large files into small archives, 3) to edit an archive file (decompress), 4) to open the archive file, 5) to extract an archive files, and 6) to share archive files. WinZip supports RAR, 7-Zip, ZIP, CAB, TAR, ARC, GZip, and other popular formats. In addition to some of the main functions above, it also provides facilities and encryption tool that serves to protect your archive with a password.

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