SKAN_Talk Full Version
Do you hesitate to change the price of a menu item just because it means re-programming the cash register? Do you hate that little worn out, paper “thingy” on top of your cash register keyboard because it’s covered with messy whiteout or has little squares of paper pasted all over it everywhere new menu items have been added? Are you frustrated with getting all your reports on two-inch wide paper with only one date range to choose from? Do you dread searching through dusty old boxes full of journal tape rolls to find an old report?

You are not alone! Wouldn’t it be great if you could find a program to simplify those jobs, or even to eliminate some of them completely. How much easier would it be if you could reduce the complex task of adding a brand new menu item and assigning it a position on the keyboard to just a few keystrokes on the PC? How about completely eliminating the need for a business with more than one location, to run around to each store late at night after closing in order to make the changes at the Point of Sale (POS) in time for the next day’s big sale. Think about how handy it would be if you never had to worry about updating that keyboard template to reflect new menu items added to the program.


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جهت سفارش دانلود کرک از طریق ثبت درخواست و یا تماس با شرکت اقدام فرمایید

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