کرک ProShow Gold 7.0 Full Patch

ProShow Gold 7.0 Full PatchProShow Gold 7.0 is an easy way to create stunning and High-Definition (HD) slideshows with unlimited photos, videos, songs and titles as you want. It allows you to create slideshows from photos, videos and musics, you can import your photos from facebook, instagram, picasa, flickr and other directly from ProShow and without need third-party applications. ProShow Gold designed with the essential editing features for any media, in another words you can edit photos, videos and music such as croping, red-eye removing, color correction directly from the software.

جهت تسریح معرفی برنامه به زبان لاتین مشخصات هر نرم افزار ذکر شده است
جهت سفارش دانلود کرک از طریق ثبت درخواست و یا تماس با شرکت اقدام فرمایید

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