کرک PicturesToExe Deluxe 9.0 Full Crack

PicturesToExePicturesToExe Deluxe 9.0 Full Crack is here! – PicturesToExe is an easy-to-use tool that enables you to create slideshows from photos, music and video files quickly and easily. PicturesToExe provides you a variety of tools to create professional slideshows with ease. It allows you to add an unlimited number of photos, music and videos to the video timeline, you can set and adjust the video animation or effect, add and edit audio tracks, and then you can publish your slideshows to executable file, screen saver, HTML5 video, YouTube videos, and more. PicturesToExe Deluxe 9 offers all the tools needed to create HD Slideshows and burn your slideshows to DVD disc, etc.

جهت تسریح معرفی برنامه به زبان لاتین مشخصات هر نرم افزار ذکر شده است
جهت سفارش دانلود کرک از طریق ثبت درخواست و یا تماس با شرکت اقدام فرمایید

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