کرک PACOR *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin HASP SRM*

PACOR *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin HASP SRM*
Main purpose
1. Diamond rough marking and evaluation with taking into account types and placing of internal characteristics of inclusions.
2. Control of bruting and first-step polishing of diamond of alternative marking/cutting positions.
3. Finding new options of marking.
4. Creating electronic passports for rough and polished diamonds.
System also can be used for training and education.
Possibilities of the system
1. Working out the best option of rough diamond marking
2.Precise estimation of
Weight of potential polished diamonds
Coordinates of inclusions in the rough diamond and in potential diamonds
Real images of inclusions and its reflections
3. Automatic printing of marking line.
4. Precise placing of marking line on the rough diamond.
5. Working with different shapes: brilliant, marquise, pear, oval, emerald, flowers, princess and others.
6. Fitting into a rough diamond two and even more polished diamonds.
7. Data export for sawing mashines.

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