کرک Karaoke Builder Studio 3.0 Full Activator

Karaoke Builder StudioKaraoke Builder Studio 3.0 is an easy-to-use yet powerful tools for creating pro-quality karaoke songs using Compact Disc plus Graphics (CD+G) format. Karaoke Builder Studio is a feature-rich application that lets you easily create your own karaoke tracks using CD+G and MP3+G format, build slideshows and CUE files, customize text formatting, as well as convert tracks. This software comes with a simple interface but with controls that are not organized, almost all controls and functions are placed in a single form, but when you already know every function was actually easier for you to access all the tools to make the karaoke tracks without having to switch from one form to another.

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جهت سفارش دانلود کرک از طریق ثبت درخواست و یا تماس با شرکت اقدام فرمایید

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